RTKN (Rightsledger)

Project basic information

Issue Time:01/09/2021

Total Supply:2,500,000,000


White paper:https://static.icoholder.com/files/21654/07dabd734d672a71e4dbd10214714136.pdf


Block Explorer:https://etherscan.io/token/0xac809cdf43a36acbd6d4e6e1676ca56ad8438e28

Project Introduction

RightsLedger started in 2017 as a digital content marketplace for independent creators, producers, and distributors to facilitate deals across borders, without any of the issues of trust, transparency, high fees and small payments for creators that exist within the standard distribution model. In solving those issues, they realized that the greatest sources of creator content are the social media sites that provide for an audience and little else when it comes to content rights or reward. RTKN is a cryptocurrency that can be used to unlock premium features on the site. Rightledger Tokens use a decentralized network for its unaffiliated and dispersed community of users. Creators will also soon be able to license and monetize their own content using Rightledger’s ERC721 non-fungible tokens as proof of authenticity.